Pandemic Edition7/15/2020 Regarding ARTwalk during this Pandemic
There is no official ARTwalk yet, but some stores are open, many with restrictions. Several of the ARTwalk business are open for business, but have some necessary restrictions for the safety and health of their visitors and staff. I have gone through and updated all the businesses and update with the latest information. Some are reservation only, or limited in the number of people. If you are interested in checking out a place-go to that page and read the info there. Their websites are listed as are phone numbers. Please call and verify their status. Please wear masks, social distance and be respectful of the each business decisions. We all hope to be able to return to our new normal and that requires all of us to participate in safe behaviors. Thank you, Sally
Multiple award winning artist, Dianna Shyne infuses her paintings with a sense of vitality and life- affirming joy. Pursuing her passion for art, Dianna Shyne has spent over thirty five years working in acrylic, oil and watercolor. She studied 15 years with renowned Russian Impressionist teachers including Ron Lukas, William Reese and Del Gish. Dianna has exhibited her work in over 40 solo and two person exhibitions, and won more than a dozen top National awards, Including first place in The Artist’s Magazine 2013 all media competition. Her work is included in publications such as The Artist Magazine, Watercolor Magic and Northlight Books. Dianna’s painting “Americana” was featured in the 2013 edition of “Acrylic Works the Best of Acrylic Painting” published by Northlight Books. Dianna has also given classes and demonstrations locally, around the country and in Canada, Italy and China. She currently teaches classes and workshops in the Pacific Northwest. To Dianna, teaching is a joy as well as an art. Her classes are both informative and inspirational, conveying not only theoretical art concepts but also delving into the deeper issues of creativity and the ongoing artistic journey, She is a member of Women Painters of Washington, American Impressionist Society and a signature member and past president of the Northwest Watercolor Society. From luminous dripping washes to impasto palette knife and painterly brush strokes, Dianna’s paintings tap into her Russian Impressionist training to evoke the passage of light and deep emotion. Dianna Shyne website July 5th ARTwalk6/25/2019 Yes, we are having ARTwalk on July 5th!
Come celebrate with us on Friday. While some have taken the day, off we do have plenty to do and art to see. Art Elements Gallery is featuring Theresa Andreas-O'Leary's amazing art as well as Kelly Howard's hand-bl;own glass. Artisanal is showing the vibrant paintings of Benita A Cole and Cliff Creek Cellars is holding over Anna Parsons. The Coffee Cottage is featuring Emily Duyck's works in multiple medias. Subterra is pouring the wines of Goodfellow Family Cellars and as always there are wonderful wines to taste at Artisanal and Cliff Creek Cellars. Come spend your Friday, the 5th in Downtown Newberg. April 5th ARTwalk3/26/2019 We have some amazing artists coming in April. Don Bishop's beautiful paintings at Art Elements along with Carol Horvath's delightful willow baskets. The Chehalem Cultural Center is featuring an extensive collection of Asian Art on loan from the Royal Arts Gallery, this is an wonderful collection and more than worth seeing. All our locations are showing artists, please check out the pages and see what's happening Welcome to 2019's First ARTwalk1/22/2019 Here we are at the start of a new year of ARTwalk's. Some changes Newberg Bakery is now an official member and has Sarah Cuevas showing her textiles and needlework. Sadly Owen Eye Care has decided to bow out-they'll be missed.
Featured artists & location is Art Elements Gallery with thier show Stolen Views featuring Vicki Greene's fused glass and Molly Reeves' paintings. They are also having a Pop-Up Show Con Amore with sketches and paintings by Michael Orwick and Romona Youngquist from thier tour through Tuscany this last year. We also have a double feature with Coldwell Banker Professional Group and Cusick Picture Frame both showing artists. CBPG artists are Sagan Newman, paintings and Rosie Day, color photography. Cusick is showing mixed media & assemblages by Nancy Angelo. Also showing are:
See you out and about for ARTwalk Sally, ARTwalk coordinator See you next year12/20/2018 Many years ago we all decided after the craziness and busyness of the holiday season we needed a break in January.
So Happy Holidays & Happy New Year. We will see you in February 1st for the 1st ARTwalk fo the 2019 season Wishing you the best in the New Year and we'll see you out there Sally Dallas ARTwalk coordinator and all our amazing ARTwalk businesses. October 5th ARTwalk9/26/2018 Wow! Do we have a lot on tap for October.
The Chehalem Cultural Center has FIVE artist shows, including the Art Harvest Studio Tour which will show a selection of all artist that are on the tour. This is wonderful opportunity to check out the art and decide which of the 30 artist studio you want to visit over the first two weekends of October (Dates: October 5, 6 & 7 and 12, 13 & 14-Friday, Saturday & Sunday / 10am-5pm). The CCC is also showing works by Kay Danley, Katherine McDowell, Yukiko Kawano and Mathew Sproul. Art: Cliff Creek, Newberg Law (Brown. Tarlow, Bridges & Palmer), Artisanal Wine, Coldwell Banker Professional Group, Blue Trout Gallery, Owen Eye Care and Coffee Cottage also have artist shows. Art Elements Gallery has a fun show (Happy Places) up featuring James DrRosso and his whimsical creatures as well as Kathy Deggendorfer, Jane Aukshunas, Sandy Vise & guest Sarah Joy (watercolorist). On the gallery's front porch Bruce Hrabra will be carving up some amazing pumpkins. Music: Chehalem Tasting Room, Owen Eye Care, Artisanal Wine & Coldwell Banker Professional Group Some locations are open late that evening: Honest Chocolate, Nap's (ARTwalk specials), Newberg Bakery, Herbs in Jars. Weather forecast is clear and the 70's-so we will see you out there. July 6th ARTwalk6/21/2018 It's the Fourth of July Holiday weekend and as we celebrate with our family and friends remember what we are celebrating: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Come to Downtown Newberg on the 6th and celebrate our local artists, musicians, music and stores. We have such a wonderful downtown, so I hope to see you out there. Make sure you start the holiday with ARTwalk then the St. Paul Rodeo (fireworks and the Wild West Art Show). Here's the events there. Mon, Jul 2 Artist Quick Draw, Jul 2 - Jul 7 Wild West Art Show, Tue, Jul 3 Live Entertainment. ARTwalk flyer, Map Here's a quick overview: we have painters at Cliff Creek, Blue Trout Gallery, Cusick Picture Frame & Gallery, Chehalem Cultural Center, Art Elements Gallery and the Coffee Cottage. Photography at Artisanal Wine, Love Lisa James and her music at Chehalem Wine's Backroom. So much to see and do. Come celebrate the 6th with us. Special event at Youth Outreach: Superhero Pop-up Photobooth. May 2018 ARTwalk4/25/2018 Welcome to the May ARTwalk. Weather should be comfortable and we have lots going on. Music. Art, Wine and so much more. Come on out and enjoy your community. The featured artist this month is landscape artist Brad Isom who will be showing at Cusick Picture Frame.
First ARTwalk of 20181/23/2018 ![]() Welcome to 2018 and the first ARTwalk of the year! We have so many wonderful artists and shows, including
Please come out and enjoy the artists, wines, music and Newberg's wonderful community. Sally Dallas, ARTwalk Coordinator AuthorSally Dallas Archives
July 2020
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